Sunday, March 22, 2009


What does the word Bar mitzvah means?

The word Bar mitzvah means “Son / daughter of the Commandment”. When a girl is 12, she becomes bar mitzvah. When a boy is 13, he becomes bar mitzvah. This means that they are consider being old enough to keep the rules of Judaism. In the reform synagogues (not as strict to all Jewish rules and Laws), a special service is held for both girl and the boy.

In the orthodox synagogues (practice the strict Jewish law), service is only held for the boys. Only men are allowed to lead out in worship in the orthodox synagogues.

What happens during Bar Mitzvah?
During bar mitzvah, the boy/girl reads from the Bible for the first time. They have to practice hard for the reading, because it is in Hebrew. This service is held on the Sabbath closest to the boy’s thirteenth birthday. Both girl and boy are taught by the Rabbi weeks ahead, learning the Hebrew Language of the Law.

In the orthodox synagogue the Jewish boy is invited to read the scripture that was set for that day. The Rabbi preaches a sermon. In his sermon, he gives special instructions to the boy concerning his duties to the Jewish Law. Prayers are offered and a benediction is pronounced upon the Jewish boy. When a boy has taken Bar Mitzvah, he is allowed to wear the prayer shawl and prayer- boxes and say the Hebrew prayers over bread and wine.


According to Jewish Law, it is not good for a man to be alone. Singleness is never encouraged.

What is the wedding ceremony called?

It is called “Kiddush in” which means, “to be holy”. There are many symbols at a Jewish wedding.

The ring:

The groom puts a ring on the bride’s finger. He says in Hebrew: “You are now to me, with this ring, by the Law of Moses and Israel.

The canopy:

The bride joins the groom under a special canopy. The canopy is a symbol of their future home together. It symbolize that the groom will provide a home for his wife and any children they have.

The Goblet:

The bride and the groom drink wine from the same goblet. Wine is a symbol of joy. It shows that they are going to share their lives together in happiness.

The marriage contract:

The marriage contract:The marriage contract is in the form of a certificate. Its read out by the rabbi. In it the groom promises to take care of his wife.

The 7 blessings:

The rabbi says 7 blessings over the couple. He ends by praising God for creating joy and gladness, bridegroom and bride, love, brotherhood, pleasure and delight, peace and harmony.

Breaking of the glass:

Finally, the groom breaks a glass on the floor with his heel. This is a reminder that there will be bad times as well as good times ahead of them. They will face them together.

Good Luck

At the end of the ceremony, everyone shouts ‘Mabel Tov’ which means ‘Good Luck’.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Judaism is the religion of the Jews.

In Genesis 12;1-2, God told Abraham to leave his country and his people and his family to journey to a land that He(God) was going to show him. God promise Abraham that He would make of him a great nation……..


Abraham and Sarah

Isaac(the son of promise) & Rebecca
. .
. .
Esau Jacob
12 sons

The nation of Israel was born out of the twelve (12) sons of Jacob.

Gen. 32:24-28 we read that Jacob wrestled with an angel. He refused to let the angel go until the angel blessed him. The angel asked him what his name was, he replied “Jacob” the angel told him that he would no longer be called Jacob but Israel because he had struggle with God and men and had overcome. Therefore, his changed name became the name of the Jewish nation called the Israelites.

The Jews keep the Commandments given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai. Their statement of belief is called the Shema which is written in the Torah (the five books of Moses). The Shema reads: “Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your might” (Deut. 6:4, 5).

The Jews follow the fourth commandment- which says to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. (ex.20:4). The day begins at sun set on Friday and ends at sun set on Saturday. As the Sabbath begins, the wife blesses the children and lights candles. The husband on return from the synagogue gathers his family around the table and blesses them. The ceremony is called Kiddush.

Jewish Diet

The Jewish diet and preparation of meat is based on the Leviticus law handed down from God to Moses. In Lev. 11 God made a listing of the things He made to eat that are clean and fit for eating; and those that are not clean and unfit for eating. The Leviticus law also states how the blood should be drain from the animals before eating. Because Jews follow the Leviticus law of food preparation, their food is referred to as Kosher (food prepared in a healthy way and fit for eating).

A special ceremony is held for a Jewish boy and girl eight days after birth. Baby boys are circumcised in accordance with the covenant made with Abraham and God and special prayers are said for the health of the boy and his parents. Baby girls have similar prayers are spoken over girls and both boys and girls are named during this time.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Students you are to read the information under the topic “Pentecostal Churches” from your text books and answer the following questions.

1. How did the Pentecostal Movement come to the Bahamas? (3)

2. How was the first Pentecostal church established? (2)

3. How was the Pentecostal movement born? (3)

4. Name three churches that are Pentecostal. (3)

5. What is the belief of the Pentecostal church? (4)

6. What is the motto of the Bahamas Pentecostal fellowship church?(4)

7. What are the objectives of the Pentecostal Church? (5)

8. List five ways by which the Pentecostal church contributes to the Bahamian society? (5)

9. List two forms or ways by which the Pentecostals worship. (2)



Read your notes and answer the following questions on a folder sheet.

Who was responsible for introducing the Advent message and how was it done? (3)

Who was the first Bahamian family to accept the advent message? (1)

Who were the first two young men to study for the ministry? (2)

In which year did the Bahamas become a conference? (1)

Name three Adventist conference President and the year they served. (3)

Draw a diagram showing the organization of the Advent church. (8)

Where does the Adventist church fall in terms of church growth and population? (1)

When was the North Bahamas Mission formed and who was the first President? (2) Who is the reigning President? (1)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Advent means ‘the second coming’ The Seventh Day Adventist strongly believe in the second coming of Jesus and the fourth commandment which says in Exodus 20: 8-11, to keep God’s Sabbath holy. They worship on Saturday, and believe that the Sabbath begins from sun set on Friday and ends at sun set on Saturday.

In addition, the Seventh Day Adventist has 27 fundamental beliefs which are as follows:

1. The Holy Scriptures both old and new testament was written by God through men inspired

by the Holy Spirit.
2. The Trinity- God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit exist as one
3. God the Father is creator, sustainer and is in control of all creation.
4. Jesus – God the eternal Son became incarnate in Jesus Christ.
5. The Holy Spirit works as an active person with God the Father and Son and was present with them at creation.
6. Creation – God gave a clear account of His creation of the world.
7. Man and woman were made in the image of God
8. There is a great controversy (war) between Jesus and Satan regarding the character of

9. The Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.
10. Salvation is a true experience.
11. Growing in Christ – By His death and resurrection, Jesus triumphant over Satan therefore

we have the power to triumphant over Satan also.

12. Church - The church is the community of believers who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and

13. Remnant and Its Mission - The universal church is composed of all who truly believe in

Christ, but in the last days, a time of widespread apostasy, a remnant has been called out to

keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
14. Unity in the Body of Christ - The church is one body with many members, called from

every nation, kindred, tongue, and people
15. Baptism - By baptism we confess our faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,

and testify of our death to sin and of our purpose to walk in newness of life.
16. Lord's Supper - The Lord's Supper is a participation in the emblems of the body and blood

of Jesus as an expression of faith in Him, our Lord and Saviour.
17. Spiritual Gifts and Ministries God bestows upon all members of His church in every age

spiritual gifts which each member is to employ in loving ministry for the common good of

the church and of humanity.
18. The Gift of Prophecy - One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy.
19. Law of God - The great principles of God's law are embodied in the Ten Commandments

and exemplified in the life of Christ.
20. Sabbath -The Creator, after the six days of Creation, rested on the seventh day and

instituted the Sabbath for all people as a memorial of Creation.
21. Stewardship - We are God's stewards, entrusted by Him with time and opportunities,

abilities and possessions, and the blessings of the earth and its resources.
22. Christian Behavior - We are called to be a godly people who think, feel, and act in harmony

with the principles of heaven.
23. Marriage and the Family - Marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by Jesus

to be a lifelong union between a man and a woman in loving companionship.
24. Christ's Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary - There is a sanctuary in heaven, the true

tabernacle which the Lord set up and not man. In it Christ ministers on our behalf, making

available to believers the benefits of His atoning sacrifice offered once for all on the cross.
25. Second Coming of Christ - The second coming of Christ is the blessed hope of the church, the

grand climax of the gospel.
26. Death and Resurrection - The wages of sin is death. But God, who alone is immortal, will

grant eternal life to His redeemed
27. Millennium and the End of Sin - The millennium is the thousand-year reign of Christ with

His saints in heaven between the first and second resurrections
28. New Earth - On the new earth, in which righteousness dwells, God will provide an eternal

home for the redeemed and a perfect environment for everlasting life, love, joy, and learning

in His presence.

Another mark of the Seventh Day Adventist is its health message. They believe that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, unclean foods (like pork, conch, shrimp etc.) should be avoided as outlined in scripture. The diet should be as healthful as possible, with enough rest and exercise. Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and irresponsible use of drugs and narcotics should not be practiced.

Contribution to the community through Education:
The Seventh Day Adventist contributes to education through three schools.
1. Bahamas Academy Secondary (Nassau)
2. Bahamas Academy K3 – Grade Six(Nassau)
3. Grand Bahama Academy Secondary & K3 – Grade Six

Contribution to youth in the Community:
The Seventh Day Adventist contributes to the Youth through the Pathfinder club which ranges from the Busy Bees (ages 3-5), The Adventurers (ages 5-7), and the Pathfinders (7-15). The Pathfinder club take part in community services. They also have a band through which young and old can express themselves through spiritual music.

Use your textbook to complete the following:
Make a listing of all the ways the Seventh Day Adventist contributes to the Bahamian Society. You many write it in your note books with the heading in your textbooks.